

Emma Grace

Senior Employment Law Solicitor

DD:  01904 949010
Mobile: 07513 127837
Contact: enquiries@bridgeehr.co.uk


Emma works as an employment lawyer in the team, having qualified as a solicitor and then worked in the City for several years. Emma then re-located to Yorkshire where she continued her legal career, becoming a partner in a commercial Leeds firm.

Key Areas of Work

Throughout her career, Emma has advised on a wide range of employment law issues for both Claimants and Respondents, including representing clients in Tribunals.

Emma has a wealth of experience in corporate support matter too and has also undertaken work for the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal

What Clients Say

Emma was professional and calm in what was for me an extremely upsetting and uncertain period. Emma set out my options and advised me on the legal process, towards the later stages, liaising with the company on my behalf when trust and communication had broken down. Emma made sure that the agreement was sound and protected me.”

“Emma, I would like to thank you sincerely for your help and support. I can now put this sorry mess behind me and move on. Hopefully, it is the last I hear from them.”

“I used Bridge Employment Law in connection with the completion of my Settlement Agreement and would recommend them and in particular Emma to anyone who requires employment legal advice. I particularly found Emma to be very knowledgeable, understanding and compassionate at a time I found myself in a difficult and stressful position.”

“I highly recommend Bridge Employment Law. It was such a relief to speak to solicitor Emma Grace when I found myself in a vulnerable position. She offered me sound advice and proceeded to resolve my case tactfully and efficiently. I certainly needed Emma’s help and expertise to overcome obstacles and reach an agreeable conclusion, empowering me to focus on my next career steps.”