Employment Law Training for Managers

Employment Law Training for Managers

What is it?

Both practical and technically detailed employment law training courses with legal materials and template policies, letters and guidance for you to use (one delivered every three months) by our specialist employment law Solicitors and HR experts click here to meet the team.

Book your place now, click here

Designed by our specialist and nationally recognised Solicitors to give you and your team the knowledge and materials you need on all the key pitfalls, tips and correct processes to help you confidently navigate your way through the most common and tricky employment law and HR issues in business.

The three courses cover recruitment, selection and contracting with employees; performance management and dealing with poor performing employees; right through to how to correctly deliver and manage disciplinary and grievance processes too (see more details on content and pricing below).

Who is it for?

For management teams, directors and HR managers. The objective is to ensure that those who manage staff and HR issues on a day to day basis will be much better placed to lead and manage key employee processes, have the documents to support them and know how to use them – saving time and reducing risks to ensure you get it right. We do contact all our delegates in advance of the course to find out what their key objectives are to ensure all learning needs are met.

What will we learn?

  • The session will cover all aspects of recruitment from advertising, through selection to offering contractual terms
  • The session will help you design your own compliant and effective recruitment system and understand the more technical and commercial legal issues to protect your business
  • You will also be provided with templates to use in selection and offer letters / terms – all designed by our legal team
  • The session will cover practical and technical legal guidance on how to run a both compliant and strategically aligned performance management system
  • The session will help you design your own compliant and effective system process whilst being aware of the commercial and legal options at all stages in the process
  • You will also be provided with templates to use designed by our expert legal team
  • The session will cover practical and technical legal guidance on how run a both compliant and strategically correct process and system
  • The session will help you design your own compliant and effective systems
  • You will also be provided with templates to use designed by our expert legal team

What is the format?

The workshops work through live practical examples, delivered by our specialist solicitors with:

  • Scenarios;
  • Ongoing questions and answers;
  • Guidance notes; and
  • Detailed example template letters and policies for you to use in your business too.

When and where are the courses delivered and what is provided?

The sessions are day sessions 09:30 to 15:00 (buffet lunch provided) and are run on the following dates: –

  • Session 1: Friday 2nd of July 2021
  • Session 2: Friday 10thof September 2021
  • Session 3: Friday 12th of November 2021

The sessions are run at the fantastic location in the heart of the beautiful city of York, easy to access near the station with parking on site.

How much will it cost and how do I sign up?

To sign up to the sessions click here or call us on 01904 360295 – the sessions are run as a block booking but you can choose one session, please contact us and we will provide a price for you.

For all three sessions including all legal template documents and checklists (that you can then implement and use) together with delivery by specialist Solicitors and refreshments on the day, are as follows:

  • One delegate booking:                £395 pp
  • Two delegate booking:                £370 pp
  • Three delegate booking:             £350 pp
  • Four delegate booking:               £325 pp
  • For bookings of 5 or more, please contact us for a quote enquiries@bridgeehr.co.uk


Book your place here and contact us for more details of the materials and places left